Top 35 Riddles With Answers
Top 35 Riddles with Answers
Ans:- Your Name
Riddle No.2:-
Ans:- Sponge
Riddle No.3:-
Ans:- Keyboard
Riddle No.4:-
Ans:- John Cena
Riddle No.5:-
Ans:- None. Because in total darkness it is impossible to see anything.
Riddle No.6:-
Then, what is 7+3=?
Ans:- 410{4+2=26 is because 4-2=2 and 4+2=6, so it is 26. Therefore, 7-3=4and 7+3=10(410)}
Riddle No.7:-
Ans:-Ten cows. We can call the pigs and cows, but it doesn't make them cows.
Riddle No.8:-
Ans:- Short+er=Shorter
Riddle No.9:-
Ans:- Silence
Riddle No.10:-
Ans:- A big Liar๐๐๐
Riddles No. 13:-
Q:- If you have me, you want to share it with me. If you share it with me, you have not got me. What am I?
Ans:- A secret
Riddles No. 14:-
Q:- I walk with you almost every day, yet you never notice me. You step on me, but you never say sorry. What am I?
Ans:- Your Shoes
Riddles No. 15:-
Q:- What starts and ends with an 'e' but only has a single letter in it?
Ans:- Envelope
Riddles No. 16:-
Q:- Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will What am I?
Ans;- Onion
Riddles No. 17:-
Q:- What is always coming but never arrives?
Ans:- Tomorrow
Riddles No. 18:-
Q:- Whoever makes it sells it. He who buys it never uses it. He who uses it will never know that he is using it. What is this?
Ans:- Coffin
Riddles No. 19:-
Q:- This kind of coat can you put on only when it is wet. What is it?
Ans:- A coat of paint
Riddles No. 20:-
Q:- I am alive without breath, never thirsty but always drinking. Who am I?
Ans:- Fish
Riddles No. 21:-
Q:- I am a mile from end to end, freely given, found in all - but shared among children most of all.
Ans:- Smile
Riddles No. 22:-
Q:- What is as big as an elephant, but weigh nothing at all?
Ans:- Shadow of an elephant
Riddles No. 23:-
Q:- I walk around in circles, but never complain straight ahead, no matter where I am. what am I?
Ans:- Wheel
Riddles No. 24:-
Q:- You live in a one-story house-made 'entirely of redwood'. What color would the stairs be?
Ans:- What stairs? You live in a one-story house.
Riddles No. 25:-
Q:- I am a greenhouse. Inside me, there is a white house. Inner the white house, there is a red house. Inner the red house, there are lots of babies. What am I?
Ans:- Watermelon
Riddles No. 26:-
Q:- What is black when you see it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?
Ans:- Charcoal
Riddles No. 27:-
Q:- You have me today, but tomorrow you will have more; I am not easy to store but I do not take up space. I am what you saw, just not what you see. What am I?
Ans:- Memories
Riddles No. 28:-
Q:- I am green sometimes, brown other times but both cause me to frown. But just in between, I am yellow and cause me to smile! Who am I?
Ans:- Banana
Riddles No. 29:-
Q:- Tool of the thief, toy of the queen. Always used to be unseen. Sign of joy, a sign of sorrow. Giving all likeness borrowed. What am I?
Ans:- Mask
Riddles No. 30:-
Q:- I have been taken from a mine and locked in a wooden case from which I have never been left, and yet I am used by almost every person.
Ans:- Pencil Lead
Riddles No. 31:-
Q:- Name an eight-letter word that has kst in the middle, in the beginning and at the end.
Ans:- Inkstand - kst is in the middle. "In" is the beginning, and "and" ends the word.
Riddles No. 32:-
Q:- My first half is an aggressive dog. My second half, a price you must pay. My whole refers to the events of today. What am I?
Ans:- Current
Riddles No. 33:-
Q:- Whoever makes it, does not speak about it. Whoever takes it, does not know it. And whoever knows it does not want it.
Ans:- Fake money
Riddles No 34:-
Q:- What word starting with BR that with the addition of the letter E becomes another word that sounds the same as the first?
Ans:- Braking becomes Breaking.
Riddles No. 35:-
Q:- I move very slowly. I accompany life and survive past demise. I am viewed with esteem in many women's eyes.
Ans:- Hair
All the above (Top 35 Riddles with Answers) riddles are funny and tricky. I hope you like this.
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