Riddles For Kids With Answer

Riddles For Kids With Answer

Most people can appreciate a funny riddle. Riddles are a good way to continue your mind busy while making it smarter. Are you looking for a fun way to entertain your brain? Maybe you want to bring your whole family in on the fun? Today, we have many clever and tricky riddles for your kids. Check out these fun and Clever Riddles for Kids with answers.

Riddles For Kids With Answer

To help children learn about riddles, I first introduce the concept to students: I explain that "a riddle is a question that turns into a joke. It starts with a strange question And ends with an answer that surprises you and usually makes you laugh."

#All the answers are given below.

Riddles No.1: - 

Q: - What is an executioner's favorite hobby?

Riddles No.2:-

Q: -What is the face, but not the head; Hands, but not feet; Still travels everywhere and is usually walking?

Riddle No.3: -

Q: - Who is a painstaking man?

Riddles No.4: -

Q: - A thin body, a small eye, no matter what happens, I never cry. What am I?

Riddles No.5: -

Q: - What was the pilgrim's favorite type of music?

Riddles No.6: -

Q: - How do you hold a bat?

Riddles No.7: -

Q: - What is the best and cheapest light?

Riddles No.8: -

Q: - What is the difference between an elephant and an ant?

Riddles No.9: -

Q: - Leading into a hole is a hole we connect to a cave that is thin everywhere. What are we?

Riddles No.10: -

Q: - Why did the spider get a job in I.T.?

Riddles No. 11:-

Q:- Why did the prison about to get hanged say when he got pardoned?

Riddles No. 12:-

Q:- Where do dead outlaws go on a Saturday night?

Riddles No. 13:-

Q:- What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?

Riddles No. 14:-

Q:- What is the longest word in the world?

Riddles No. 15:-

Q:- I am so fast you can not see me, Though everyone sees straight through me, I do not stop until the day you die. What am I?

Riddles No. 16:- 

Q:- Why should you always carry a watch while crossing the desert?

Riddles No. 17:-

Q:- When is the moon heaviest?

Riddles No. 18:-

Q:- What can you find in the center of gravity?

Riddles No. 19:-

Q:- Why was Miss Cow sad?

Riddles No. 20:-

Q:- What is that over your head and under your hat?

Riddles No. 21:-

Q:-  A man went on a journey carrying a fox, a goose, and a sack of corn. He came upon a stream, which he had to cross and used a small boat to cross the stream. He can only take himself and each other at a time - fox, goose, or corn. He could not leave the fox alone with the fox or the goose. How does he get everyone safely on stream?

Riddles No. 22:-
Q:- How are prisoners like astronauts?

Riddles No. 23:-

Q:- I go up, I go down; I am the present, I am the past; My purpose is none other than for my kids to have fun. What am I?

Riddles No. 24:-

Q:- What do a turkey do when it flys upside down?

Riddles No. 25:-

Q:- What did the firecracker say to the other firecracker?

Riddles No. 26:-

Q:- What chins are never shaved?

Riddles No. 27:- 

Q:- What do you call it when you walk into a spider web?

Riddles No. 28:-

Q:- What are the differentials between a rectal thermometer and an oral thermometer?

Riddles No. 29:-

Q:- Whats weightless, visible to the naked eye, and when you put it in a barrel of water it will make the barrel lighter in weight?

Riddles No. 30:-

Q:- What table has not a leg to stand on?

Riddles No. 31:-

Q:- I am round or oval? I can be light or dark. You can cut me in pieces. What am I?

Riddles No. 32:-

Q:- Who is fault will it be if California falls into the ocean?

Riddles No. 33:-

Q:- Why is not the moon a good vacation destination?

Riddles No. 34:-

Q:- What shoes do frogs wear in the summer?

Riddles No. 35:-

Q:- Why did the Indian Chief wear so many feathers?

Riddles No. 36:-

Q:- What do geologists do in their free time?

Riddles No. 37:-

Q:- When are eyes not eyes?

Riddles No. 38:- 

Q:- Why does a dragon sleep all day?

Riddles No. 39:- 

Q:- What do you get when you cross Santa Claus and a duck?

Riddles No. 40:-

Q:- When are boys like bears?


1. Hang gliding  2. Watch  3. The dentist 4. Needle  5. Plymouth Rock  6. Upside down by its feet  7. Daylight  8. An elephant can have an ant but an ant can't have elephants  9. Your nose  10. Because he was a great web designer 11. No noose is good noose 12. To ghost towns 13. All the difference in the world 14. Smiles, because there is a mile between its first and last letter 15. A blink of an eye 16. It has a spring in it 17. When it is full  18. The letter "V" 19. Her boyfriend was in a bullfight! 20. Your hair 21Take the first goose and come back. Then take the fox and get the goose back. Now take the corn and come alone to get the goose. Take the goose and the job is done! 22. Both are interested in outer space 23. Seesaw 24. It gobbles up 25. My pop is bigger than your pop 26. Sea Urchins 27. Free Karate lessons 28. The taste 29. Hole 30. The multiplication table 31. Potato 32.San Andreas fault 33. It lacks atmosphere 34. Open toad shoes 35. To keep his wigwam 36. Go to rock concerts 37. When the wind makes them water 38. So it can hunt knights! 39. A Christmas quacker 40. When bare-footed. 

We love riddles, and these are just a handful of riddles and brain teasers that we have enjoyed. If there are puzzles you and your kids like to use their friends' puzzles, then give us a comment and share.


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