Riddles With Answers

Tricky and Hard Riddles To Solve With Answers

One of the best ways to stimulate young minds is to engage them in a few brainstorming sessions and solving puzzles is the best way to enhance the thinking skills of young children. So, the largest collection of riddles with answers is here. Do you consider work difficulty puzzles? Then choose Strong. If this is really for you, you will see the response. If you want to understand math or difficult puzzles, then look at their categories. Let's start

Riddles No. 01:-

Q: I give advice to others, yet I know nothing myself. I am a hitchhiker who is still destined to live?

Ans: Road Sign

Riddles No. 02:-

Q: What goes in, down and out; but can't go in, up and out?

Ans: Food.๐Ÿฅ˜๐Ÿฅ˜

Riddles No. 03:-

Q: What letter is almost like an island?

Ans: The letter "T" because it's in the middle of the water.

Riddles No. 04:-

Q: What can be seen in the middle of the months "April" and "March" that can not be seen in the beginning or end of either month.

Ans: The letter "R"

Riddles No. 05:-

Q: If correct pronunciation is made, which word is wrong but if the incorrect pronunciation is correct?

Ans: Wrong.❌❌

Riddles No. 06:-

Q: Read each line aloud without making any mistakes.If you make a mistake you will have to start again without any further steps. This is this puzzle. This is is puzzle. This is how puzzle. This is to puzzle. This is keep puzzle. This is an puzzle. This is idiot puzzle. This is busy puzzle. This is for puzzle. This is forty puzzle. This is seconds puzzle.

Ans: Now go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top.

Riddles No. 07:-

Q: You can take away my letters my name stays the same. I won't ever complain because my name stays the same. The letters you take I'll never reclaim because when they are gone my name stays the same.

Ans: Mailman

Riddles No. 08:-

Q: All of Mrs. Choudhury's pets are dogs except one, and all of her pets are cats except one. How many cats and dogs does she have?

Ans: Mrs. Choudhury has one cat and one dog.

Riddles No. 09:-

Q: The word candy can be spelled using just 2 letters. Can you figure out how?

Ans: The answer: C and Y

Riddles No.10:-

Q: What is Snake's favorite subject? What is Cow's favorite entertainment? What is the bird's favorite part in the newspaper? What did one math book tell to one more? Which dress can we see and not wear it?

Ans: 1. Hiss...tory
         2. Mooo...vie
         3. Feather forecast
         4. I have many problems
         5. Address

Riddles No. 11:-

Q: What always ends everything?

Ans: The letter "G"

Riddles No. 12:-

Q: How do you put the new door into one word?

Ans: All of the letters of the new door fit into all of the letters of one word. try it! new door one word.

Riddles No. 13:-

Q: O T T F F S S - - - What is the next 3 letters?

Ans: You

Riddles No. 14:-

Q: What animal which its name is three letters long take away the first letter and you have a bigger animal?

Ans: Fox takes away the "F" and you have an Ox.

Riddles No. 15:-

Q: Why did the lawyer show up half-necked at the court? 

Ans: Because he forgot his loss - suit.

Riddles No. 16:-

Q: This pesky critters favorite food is wood?

Ans: Termite 

Riddles No. 17:-

Q: Why are there some letters above and below the line?  AEFHIKLMNTVWXYZ

Ans: The letters above the line have all straight lines. The letters below the line all have at least one zigzag.

Riddles No. 18:-

Q: What do you call pigs that write letters to each other?

Ans: Pen Pals

Riddles No. 19:-

Q: It has a miss in it an is and you sip it. What is it?

Ans: Mississippi

Riddles No. 20:-

Q: Beach, paper, and bath-What do these items have in common?

Ans:  Beach-towel, Paper-towel, Bath-towel

Riddles No. 21:-

Q: What do you always find in the middle of a cigar?

Ans: The letter "G"

Riddles No. 22:-

Q: What word has over 100 letters in it?

Ans: An envelope.✉✉

Riddles No. 23:-

Q: What color does a cat-like?

Ans: Purple

Riddles No. 24:-

Q: What game do cats play at birthday parties?

Ans: Mewsical Chairs

Riddles No. 25:-

Q: We are very little creatures and we all have very different features. One of us in the glass is set another you will find in jet. Another may be found in the tin and the Fourth is boxed within. If you must pass the fifth, it can never fly away from you. What are we?

Ans: The vowels: A E I O U and sometimes Y.

Riddles No. 26:-

Q: What has 8 letters 3 words and 1 meaning?

Ans: I love you.

Riddles No. 27:-

Q: Where do bulls get their messages?

Ans: On a bull-etin board.

Riddles No. 28:-

Q: Why did the skeleton go to theaters individual?

Ans: Because he had nobody to go with.

Riddles No. 29:-

Q: Where did the bee land when he sat?

Ans: On his bee-hind

Riddles No. 30:-

Q: What is the first thing a gorilla learns at school?

Ans: The ape b c'

Riddles No. 31:-

Q: What is as shady as the black cat? It beings like a deer but faces the same and as grass. Noah's boat may be in the running and possibly of the hideous beast that lives in Loch Ness.

Ans: Darkness. Deer begins with 'd' and ends in 's' Noah's boat was an 'ark' and 'Nesss'ie is the beast that dwells in Loch 'Ness'.

Riddles No. 32:-

Q: Weightless, visible to the naked eye, and when you put it in a water barrel will it lighten the barrel in weight?

Ans: Hole

Riddles No. 33:-

Q: I am so fast you can not see me, Though everyone sees straight through me, I do not stop until the day you die. What am I?

Ans: A blink of an eye.๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ


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