Riddles With Answers

One of the best ways to stimulate young minds is to engage them in a few brainstorming sessions and solving puzzles is the best way to enhance the thinking skills of young children. So, the largest collection of riddles with answers is here. Do you consider work difficulty puzzles? Then choose Strong. If this is really for you, you will see the response. If you want to understand math or difficult puzzles, then look at their categories. Let's start Riddles No. 01:- Q: I give advice to others, yet I know nothing myself. I am a hitchhiker who is still destined to live? Ans: Road Sign Riddles No. 02:- Q: What goes in, down and out; but can't go in, up and out? Ans: Food.🥘🥘 Riddles No. 03:- Q: What letter is almost like an island? Ans: The letter "T" because it's in the middle of the water. Riddles No. 04:- Q: What can be seen in the middle of the months "April" and "March" that can not be seen in the beginning or end of either month. Ans: The le...